Review: Doctor Who: Books: The Evil of the Daleks (2023)

By Frazer Hines (with Mike Tucker and Steve Cole) BBC Books, out now Jamie is forced to relive his struggle against the evil Daleks at their most powerful and calculating. Frazer Hines’ novelisation (Mike Tucker and Steve Cole are also credited) of the David Whitaker seven-part serial from 1967 is a curious, though not unwelcome,…

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Review: Doctor Who: Big Finish Audio: Once and Future 6: Time Lord Immemorial

The TARDIS gets caught between universes… Before we go any further just look at that credit list: this episode stars Christopher Eccleston, David Warner, Gina McKee, Nicola Walker and Robert Powell, written by Lisa McMullin, directed by Helen Goldwyn with sound design by Howard Carter. In front of the mic and behind the scenes this…

Review: Doctor Who: Big Finish Audio: The War Doctor Begins 3.2: Temmosus

The Thals have an important part to play in the Time War – or at least, that’s what some people believe… The title of this story hearkens back to the very first Dalek tale, nearly 60 years ago, but here it’s referring to a new battleship, manned by Thals… that unfortunately seems to be on…

Review: Doctor Who: Big Finish Audio: Rose Tyler: The Dimension Cannon 3.3: The Good Samaritan

Rose and Danni find a place with technology – but it comes at a price… It feels very much as if this final story in the set by Helen Goldwyn is intended to wrap up the saga of the Dimension Cannon – certain things happen at the end that put Rose on the path she…

Review: Doctor Who: Big Finish Audio: The War Doctor Begins 3.1: The Keeper of Light

Spoilers The Doctor and Layla investigate strange goings-on at a lighthouse… The third box set of adventures for Jonathon Carley’s War Doctor starts off with a story that gives us something that seems impossible – an exploit for this incarnation of the Doctor which could be taking place at any time in the previous incarnations’…

Review: Doctor Who: Big Finish Audio: UNIT Nemesis 2.4: Ten Minutes in Hell

As UNIT prepares to mount a rescue attempt while battling off the Vulpreen, Kate Stewart realises that ten minutes can be an eternity… The conclusion to this box set – marking the halfway point of the Nemesis saga – comes from John Dorney, who uses the different way in which time elapses on different sides…

Review: Doctor Who: Big Finish Audio: The Fourth Doctor Adventures 11.4: Shellshock

The Doctor wakes in a German hospital in the trenches of the First World War… Paul Morris and Simon Barnard’s tale for a solo Fourth Doctor is one of those stories that you keep expecting to go down a certain path, and it resolutely refuses to do so. There are so many potential red herrings…

Review: Doctor Who: Big Finish Audio: Rose Tyler: The Dimension Cannon 3.2: The Lower Road

Rose and Danni are rescued from a trap by the leader of a community which seems to be thriving… Tim Foley’s story for the middle of this set should perhaps come with the same sort of warning about adult content as episodes of Torchwood or Survivors – indeed there’s very much the feel of the…

Review: Doctor Who: Big Finish Audio: Doom’s Day: Dying Hours (spoiler & spoiler-free)

Spoiler-free review Doom’s day is almost over. Time is running out. This could be the end.  The multi-platform story about an assassin’s final 24 hours is tackled by Big Finish for the four hours from 8pm, and boasts the impressive production values we’ve come to expect from their full-cast audio plays, but is this too…

Review: Doctor Who: Big Finish Audio: Rose Tyler: The Dimension Cannon 3.1: Sink or Swim

Rose awakes from the most recent jump – without her cannon… Lizzie Hopley starts off this latest box set of adventures for Rose Tyler as she plies her way across the multiverse in search of the Doctor, in the backstory to Series 4. The last set ended on a cliffhanger, with Jackie making it home,…