Review: Doctor Who: Big Finish Audio: The Sixth Doctor Adventures 2.2: Reverse Engineering

Professor McBride calls for the Doctor and friends’ help when she makes a shocking discovery in a Scandinavian research facility… Jonathan Morris returns for a second adventure for the Sixth Doctor, Mel and Hebe, and it’s a cracking tale that uses the TARDIS in ways that I’ve expected it to be used far more frequently…

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Review: Doctor Who: Books: Dr Who & The Daleks: The Official Story of the Films

By John Walsh Titan Books, out now A guide to the making of the classic 1960s Dr. Who movies, lavishly illustrated and packed with insights into these beloved films.  I have a great affinity towards the Peter Cushing Dr Who movies, not least because this was my very first encounter with the character. Having watched…

Review: Doctor Who: Big Finish Audio: The Second Doctor Adventures 2.1: Jamie

The Time Lords bring the Doctor to Edinburgh in 1776… We’ve known since the release of the Third Doctor story The Annihilators nearly 18 months ago that the post-War Games Second Doctor would be travelling with an older Jamie McCrimmon, although for obvious reasons, the reasons for that were glossed off in that tale. Now,…

Review: Doctor Who: Big Finish Audio: Once and Future 3: A Genius for War

Pulled out of his timestream by Gallifrey, the Doctor finds themself temporarily stabilised into their seventh incarnation and recruited by the General (Ken Bones) and Veklin. A message has come in from someone who has information on how to win the Time War: Davros. And the only thing he asks is that the Doctor break…

Review: Doctor Who: Big Finish Audio: Short Trips 12.X: The World Tree

Nora Wicker’s day is about to become even stranger when she sees a young man in her garden… The 2022 Paul Spragg Memorial Trip winner had its traditional release at the end of the year, this time featuring the 11th Doctor in a story written by newcomer Nick Slawicz and recorded by Big Finish stalwart…

Review: Doctor Who: Big Finish Audio: The Ninth Doctor Adventures 2.3.3: Flatpack

Everyone goes to Flatpack – so it’s not too surprising that old friends can reunite… John Dorney wraps up this collection of Ninth Doctor stories with a tale that links him to his (Big Finish) past, as Nicola Walker and Rebecca Root reprise their roles from the Eighth Doctor stories. Set some time after the…

Review: Doctor Who: Big Finish Audio: The Sixth Doctor Adventures 1.3: Maelstrom

The Doctor, Mel and Hebe encounter some very unusual survivors… Jonathan Morris plays with the listener’s expectations in this final story of the first Hebe Harrison box set, which seems to be set a bit of time after her adventures on the Moon – she’s got a clearer idea of what’s involved with space and…

Today’s Reviews: It’s the Kerblam! Target

Everybody looks forward to a visit from the Kerblam! man… Ultimately, it’s a straightforward story, parodying the working conditions endured within the warehouse of large retailer, and McTighe doesn’t try to complicate things by adding any unnecessary asides. Click here to read Nick Joy’s full review, and for our other coverage, click here.